Roles of Value Stream Management – Part 2 of 2

Roles of Value Stream Management – Part 2 of 2

This article is part 2 of 2 and focuses on a brief overview of two new roles to consider and the evolution of responsibilities of two typical existing roles. The first new role is the Disciplined Agile Value Stream Consultant, or “DAVSC.” Released as both a role and...
Roles of Value Stream Management – Part 1 of 2

Roles of Value Stream Management – Part 1 of 2

If we move to Disciplined Agile’s strategy for Value Stream Management (VSM), are there any new roles we need to consider? Yes. In addition, existing roles will evolve with new responsibilities and ways to add value. This article is part 1 of 2 and focuses on evolving...
Minimum Business Increment (MBI) Example

Minimum Business Increment (MBI) Example

In last week’s article, I wrote the MBI is one of the most significant additions to Disciplined Agile. That article focused on a systemic problem in the Development Value Stream that MBI’s solve. So let’s take a look at how the MBI provides a communication bridge...
The Minimum Business Increment

The Minimum Business Increment

The most significant recent addition to Disciplined Agile – the Minimum Business Increment (MBI) – can solve many problems we see in organizations. This article will focus on how adopting MBIs can solve a systemic problem in the Development Value Stream. Next...
What Do Agile Teams Need to Know?

What Do Agile Teams Need to Know?

I asked several people covering a range of experience concerning an agile way of working in a few organizations in different industries what they felt agile teams needed to know. It was all very informal, just a way to get some insights and gather my thoughts before...
What Is a Project?

What Is a Project?

How can an organization get its hands around all of what is needed to deliver value to customers? Ask a selection of your colleagues or LinkedIn connections what they think a project is, and the answers you get may vary quite a bit. For example, just over a week ago,...