Insights from Joshua


Content That Can Drive Your Business Value

The founder of Process Mentors, Joshua Barnes, has put tremendous energy into Disciplined Agile’s success.  He has trained thousands of individuals and coached hundreds of teams throughout the world.  Having faced all sorts of challenges, he shares his insights here.

In addition to Disciplined Agile, Joshua has the experience that he draws upon with industry-leading agile and lean approaches such as Scrum, Kanban, Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), Extreme Programming (XP), Unified Process (and its variants RUP, OpenUP, Enterprise UP, etc.).

Browse our latest articles on topics such as:

  • Value Stream Management
  • Minimum Business Increments
  • Transformational Roadmaps
  • Agile Training
  • Agile Certifications
Latest Articles
Project Manager to Value Delivery Manager

Project Manager to Value Delivery Manager

Here we have a common problem. The “agile team” comprises a product owner, team coach, and team members. Far too often, I hear something like, “there are no project managers in agile.” Agile teams are empowered to make decisions and determine how to get the work done....

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Project Manager to Value Delivery Manager

Project Manager to Value Delivery Manager

Here we have a common problem. The “agile team” comprises a product owner, team coach, and team members. Far too often, I hear something like, “there are no project managers in agile.” Agile teams are empowered to make decisions and determine how to get the work done....

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Is there a Simplified Version of Disciplined Agile?

Is there a Simplified Version of Disciplined Agile?

Disciplined Agile ("DA") is a sizable body of agile and lean knowledge, and it keeps growing. Is there a simplified version of Disciplined Agile? Yes, I know of many simplified versions of DA. However, before jumping right to the simplified versions, I want to have a...

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Is Disciplined Agile Too Complicated?

Is Disciplined Agile Too Complicated?

Last week I was asked to deliver a Disciplined Agile training course on short notice. Coverage was needed for the training by someone with lots of experience delivering this specific course and significant experience coaching teams to put the theory learned into...

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Value Creation Structure

Value Creation Structure

Melvin Conway developed an adage stating, “any organization that designs a system (defined broadly) will produce a design whose structure is a copy of the organization’s communication structure.” The adage has become known as Conway’s Law, and it articulates how, over...

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Roles of Value Stream Management – Part 2 of 2

Roles of Value Stream Management – Part 2 of 2

This article is part 2 of 2 and focuses on a brief overview of two new roles to consider and the evolution of responsibilities of two typical existing roles. The first new role is the Disciplined Agile Value Stream Consultant, or “DAVSC.” Released as both a role and...

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Roles of Value Stream Management – Part 1 of 2

Roles of Value Stream Management – Part 1 of 2

If we move to Disciplined Agile’s strategy for Value Stream Management (VSM), are there any new roles we need to consider? Yes. In addition, existing roles will evolve with new responsibilities and ways to add value. This article is part 1 of 2 and focuses on evolving...

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Feature Tetris – Value Flow Planning

Feature Tetris – Value Flow Planning

How do we maximize the flow of value delivery for a Minimum Business Increment? Conduct a type of Value Flow Planning I call Feature Tetris. In the Look Ahead Value Flow Planning article, I covered a type of Value Flow Planning I call MBI Tetris. It is a dynamic way...

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Value Flow Planning – MBI Tetris

Value Flow Planning – MBI Tetris

How do we maximize the flow of value delivery? For example, how do we determine the potential flow of Minimum Business Increment (MBI) delivery in a period such as a quarter? We conduct Look Ahead Value Flow Planning.

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The Idealized Value Stream

The Idealized Value Stream

Disciplined Agile’s definition of a value stream references Wikipedia’s definition: “a value stream is the set of actions that takes place to add value to a customer from the initial request through the realization of value by the customer.”

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Minimum Business Increment (MBI) Example

Minimum Business Increment (MBI) Example

In last week’s article, I wrote the MBI is one of the most significant additions to Disciplined Agile. That article focused on a systemic problem in the Development Value Stream that MBI’s solve. So let’s take a look at how the MBI provides a communication bridge...

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The Minimum Business Increment

The Minimum Business Increment

The most significant recent addition to Disciplined Agile – the Minimum Business Increment (MBI) - can solve many problems we see in organizations. This article will focus on how adopting MBIs can solve a systemic problem in the Development Value Stream. Next week’s...

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What Do Agile Teams Need to Know?

What Do Agile Teams Need to Know?

I asked several people covering a range of experience concerning an agile way of working in a few organizations in different industries what they felt agile teams needed to know. It was all very informal, just a way to get some insights and gather my thoughts before...

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Where Transformations Typically Start, Could Start, and Options

Where Transformations Typically Start, Could Start, and Options

Guidance from leading agile frameworks and countless consulting companies often start and focus on teams adopting agile. Select a pilot or a few early adopter teams and get going. Then, make a bit of progress and expand the coverage to more and more teams. Sound familiar? Is this what you experienced at your current or a previous company?

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Disciplined Agile for Non-Software Work

Disciplined Agile for Non-Software Work

I am increasingly asked the question, “Can an agile way of working be used to deliver value not related to software?” In my experience and the Disciplined Agile toolkit’s guidance, the answer is a resounding YES! As the world is gaining more and more awareness of...

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Virtual Collaboration and Process Goals

Virtual Collaboration and Process Goals

All of us are quite aware of the changes that COVID-19 brought and the need to social distance in our personal and professional lives. As organizations are coming to terms with the length of time their employees (and contractors/consultants) will be supporting...

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Is it Just Time to Change Agile Training?

Is it Just Time to Change Agile Training?

The benefits of Disciplined Agile are many. As a tool kit, it provides guidance to help organizations choose their way of working in a context-sensitive manner. Our strategy is similar in many ways to the adoption roadmap that has been part of Discipline Agile...

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